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My Self-Hosting Setup


I thought it would be nice to share how exactly I set up my self-hosting environment. This guide is also helpful for me to remind myself of the steps to set up my server. If you want to follow this guide, you should have beginner-to-intermediate Unix/Linux skills, specifically knowing what a file, distribution, firewall, RAID, and IP are, and being able to edit files in the terminal with nano.

For this post, I used Boxes from Flathub to run a VM. Since I use Kinoite, installing VirtualBox or Libvirt is a pain, and Boxes "just works," even though it has its drawbacks. Really wish there was an easier way to run Libvirt or VirtualBox on an OSTree distro.


If you have a static IP address and don't care about a nice hostname (e.g., because you're just hosting for yourself), you can skip this section.

To ensure your server is reachable when you're out of your home, a dynamically updating hostname is really useful. For my setup, setting up a domain requires these steps:

  1. Find a domain provider that supports domain delegation (supported by most major services). Cloudflare is often recommended because they offer base pricing for domains with no margins. I currently use IONOS. Note: You can skip this if your dynamic DNS provider supports buying a domain from them, or you're fine with a subdomain (like mysite.dynv6.com).
  2. Figure out a domain you like and buy it from your provider. Be aware that some TLDs are more expensive than others.
  3. Find a dynamic DNS service (dyndns) that supports domain delegation (sometimes called custom domain or bring-your-own-domain). I use dynv6.com, which is completely free and supports infinite subdomains and custom DNS entries. dynu.com is also a good choice if you want paid support and can buy a domain directly from them.
  4. Delegate the domain you bought to your dyndns provider if needed, and wait a few days for it to complete.
  5. Create a script to update the IP regularly (I'll show an example for dynv6 later in this post).
  6. Create CNAME entries for subdomains that redirect to your main domain. For example, if you bought example.com, you can create a CNAME entry called dav.example.com that points to example.com, which your server can then use to forward to your CalDAV service (example provided further down as well).


I use Debian, installed via the netinst image. Debian is rock-solid, very lightweight (less than 400 packages on a minimal install, with some duplicates due to Debian's strict separation policy), up-to-date enough for my use case, where most of my services run in containers, and it has pretty sane defaults.

Debian netinst boot menu

I use the text installer, but the graphical one is the same, and it's a bit easier if you're not used to curses interfaces.

The installation process should be pretty self-explanatory for anyone with at least intermediate Linux knowledge. If you find the installation confusing, this guide might be too advanced for you. Here are the steps I configure:

Congratulations! After a restart, you now have a working minimal Debian install.

Initial Setup

After you reboot and log in as root, you can delete the user you created during installation: userdel -r $username

Before installing packages, I like to disable the automatic installation of 'recommended' dependencies. This can make you gain a deeper understanding of the software you're using by requiring you to look at the dependencies yourself and check why they're needed. Note: If you don't like doing this, you can simply append -no-install-recommends to apt install to disable it temporarily.

To disable it, save the following in /etc/apt/apt.conf:

APT::Install-Recommends "false";
APT::Install-Suggests "false";

The second line probably isn't needed, as suggested packages are not installed by default anyway, but it doesn't hurt.

The first things I like to install are fish and neovim, but they're personal preferences. The important packages for our setup are curl podman netavark aardvark-dns nftables iptables. iptables is needed because the version of netavark in Debian 12 doesn't support nftables properly yet, so we need the iptables-to-nftables wrapper commands for now.

Then we also want podman-compose, but the version in Debian 12 is a bit too old for my liking, so let's grab the latest version from their GitHub:

curl -o /usr/local/bin/podman-compose https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/podman-compose/main/podman_compose.py
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/podman-compose

To run this version, I also needed to install the python3-dotenv python3-yaml packages.

Next, we want to change some configs. This is my /etc/containers/containers.conf:


The healthcheck_events and firewall_driver settings are not supported in the current Podman version in Debian, but I added them anyway. healthcheck_events=false disables healthcheck logs, which I find noisy and unnecessary. firewall_driver="nftables" makes Podman use nftables as a firewall backend. Once this is properly supported, we can remove the iptables package. dns_bind_port=54 frees up port 53, so you can run your own DNS servers. Even though it only binds to the Podman interfaces, it still blocks you from binding to in your DNS server. You can use any other port here as well.

In /etc/containers/registries.conf, you want to uncomment and adapt the following line:

unqualified-search-registries = ["docker.io"]

This allows you to leave out registry names from image tags, i.e., use caddy:latest instead of docker.io/caddy:latest. Not strictly necessary, but most guides and examples online leave out the registry, and I'm too lazy to add it myself.

Dyndns Update Script

If you use dynv6 like me, you can use this script to update your domain:

old_ipv4="$(dig +short -tA $hostname)"
old_ipv6="$(dig +short -tAAAA $hostname)"
echo "Old ipv4: $old_ipv4"
echo "Old ipv6: $old_ipv6"

new_ipv4="$(curl -s ifconfig.io -4)"
new_ipv6="$(curl -s ifconfig.io -6)"
echo "New ipv4: $new_ipv4"
echo "New ipv6: $new_ipv6"

if [ "$old_ipv4" != "$new_ipv4" ]; then
    curl -s "http://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$hostname&token=$token&ipv4=$new_ipv4"
    echo "Didn't update ipv4."

if [ "$old_ipv6" != "$new_ipv6" ]; then
    curl -s "http://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$hostname&token=$token&ipv6=$new_ipv6&ipv6prefix=auto"
    echo "Didn't update ipv6."

Save it to /usr/local/bin/update_ip and make the file executable by running chmod +x /usr/local/bin/update_ip. Then edit your crontab with crontab -e (Debian will probably ask you to select a default editor first), and paste the following line at the bottom:

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/update_ip

This will check every 5 minutes if your domain needs updating by querying DNS for the currently saved IP, comparing it to your current public IP (queried from ifconfig.io), and then calling the dynv6 API to update your IP if either your IPv4 or IPv6 differs.

NAS Storage

If you don't want to use your server for redundant storage, you can skip this part, but the maintenance section is still relevant if you have a single root disk.

If you've bought a few HDDs for NAS storage, setting them up in a RAID is as simple as:

mkfs.btrfs --metadata raid1c3 --data raid1c3 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

Replace /dev/sda etc. with your actual disk names, which you can find using lsblk. The raid1c3 option means that everything you store on that filesystem is duplicated three times, and you can lose two of the disks without problems. You don't need exactly three disks; you can have more, but you can always lose only two with this config. You can also use raid1 and raid1c4 for two and four-way redundancy, respectively. Note that RAID5 and RAID6 are not stable with Btrfs currently.

You can mount the disks now with mount /dev/sda /mnt. You can use the name of any disk here, as it will automatically find the others. To mount automatically at boot, add this line to your /etc/fstab:

UUID=abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcd1234 /mnt            btrfs   defaults,compress=zstd,nofail 0 0

compress=zstd enables transparent compression of all your files with minimal CPU impact. nofail means your system can still boot if this mountpoint fails to come up, which might happen if one of your disks fails. You can find the UUID by running btrfs filesystem show /mnt after manually mounting your disks once.

Next, we want to run some maintenance for our filesystem to detect bitrot, disk failure, and optimize the file layout. Btrfs has commands for this, btrfs balance and btrfs scrub, but Debian also includes the btrfsmaintenance package, which runs them automatically from time to time.

After installing the package, edit the config file at /etc/defaults/btrfsmaintenance. Update some of the settings to these values:


Instead of auto, you can also write /:/mnt or whatever your mountpoints are, but auto will run scrub and balance for all mounted Btrfs filesystems. You can adjust the balance and scrub periods, but a weekly balance and a monthly scrub are good defaults. Leave the other values alone; defrag can break snapshots, and trim isn't needed because Debian comes with a fstrim.service and fstrim.timer that runs once a week by default.

Next, we want some snapshots so we can undo mistakes and access deleted files. For this, we use the snapper package.

After installing Snapper, create a default snapshot config like this: snapper -c root create-config / and snapper -c nas create-config /mnt Then change the cleanup policy in the config files in /etc/snapper/configs/. Snapper creates snapshots in three cases by default: once every hour, after doing package updates with apt, and when invoked manually via snapper create. The config files decide when these snapshots are deleted. The "timeline" cleanups are for the hourly automatic snapshots. A config like this:


would mean keeping one snapshot from the last hour, one from the last day, one from the last week, etc. The "number" config relates to the manual and apt-triggered snapshots, with both counting to the same limit. The snapshots can be found in the .snapshots folder at the top directory of each mount point, e.g., /.snapshots and /mnt/.snapshots.

For backing up your data, many providers have custom tools, but many support rclone, e.g., Hetzner, which makes backing up your data easily scriptable. I personally use the free plan at filen.io and only back up important documents and configs; if my media gets destroyed, it's annoying but not the end of the world. Their CLI client is currently in alpha, and I couldn't get actual syncing to work, but I created this script to manually back up some paths:

upload() {
    podman run --name filenio --rm -it -v ./config:/root/.config/filen-cli -v /nas:/nas:ro filen/cli upload "$1" "$1"

upload /mnt/somepath
upload /mnt/dir/someotherpath
# etc...

You need to run this script once without the upload "$1" "$1" at the end to trigger a login and create a token that can be used for later.


Before we start, we'll create a Podman network that allows all of our containers to communicate with each other, as they are isolated by default. After running podman network create container-network --ipv6, you now have a network called "container-network" with IPv6 functionality.

We can now start working on our services. My file structure is to create a directory for all my containers and then a subdirectory for each container/service. The persistent data of the container is saved in that directory as well. For example, my Caddy directory looks like this:

caddy_config/  caddy_data/  caddy.service  docker-compose.yml  etc-caddy/  isso-config/  isso-data/

docker-compose.yml is the container configuration file (yes, I still call them that even though I use Podman). If you want to copy my layout, configure it like this:

    image: caddy:latest
      - 80:80
      - '[::]:80:80'
      - 443:443
      - '[::]:443:443'
      - 443:443/udp
      - '[::]:443:443/udp'
      - NET_ADMIN
      - container-network
      - ./etc-caddy:/etc/caddy
      - ./caddy_data:/data
      - ./caddy_config:/config

    external: true

Without the "[::]" port forwardings, the container will default to listening only on IPv4. Note that the caddy: on the 2nd line is just the name of the container and can be chosen freely.

caddy.service is the systemd service file so I can autostart the service on boot and see logs through journalctl. The file looks like this for me:

Description=podman-compose Caddy

ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/podman-compose pull
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/podman-compose up --force-recreate
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/podman-compose down


You can adapt this easily for other containers by just changing the Description and WorkingDirectory fields. Copy this file to /etc/systemd/system, and then you can control your containers with systemctl!

The other directories in there are mounted inside the container and contain data that needs to be persisted across restarts (isso is used for the comment widget on this page). Note: some services, like Jellyfin, have some data that should be persisted (caches for thumbnails and encoded videos), but that are not critical if they're lost. To reduce the amount of wear on my HDD RAID, I mount those instead on my boot SSD, somewhere under the /srv directory. An example is provided further below.

Caddy is the most important part of our setup, as it provides a simple reverse proxy, which is needed to get HTTPS working for other containers, as well as a static file server (for e.g., a homepage). A reverse proxy is necessary because most services don't include HTTPS, and even if they did, configuring certificates for each of them would be a pain. By using HTTP internally and exposing HTTPS via Caddy in a single place, the setup is much more maintainable. Caddy will also automatically request certificates if your config and domains are set up correctly, making setting up HTTPS for another service as simple as adding the following lines to your Caddyfile in ./etc-caddy/Caddyfile:

dav.mypage.com {
    reverse_proxy http://radicale:5232

Assuming you set up a CNAME record for dav.mypage.com at your dyndns provider, this will automatically forward all requests to Radicale via HTTPS.

If you followed this far, you now have a good starting point for your setup. You can easily add new containers by creating new folders with docker-compose.yml files and integrating them with Caddy (if needed, some services obviously don't need HTTP, and therefore no reverse proxy, e.g., Syncthing or RustDesk). Below are some example compose files from some of my other containers, so you can get a feel for how they work. Here's a quick reference for what the different keys in the files mean:


    user: root
      - '/dev/dri:/dev/dri'
      - './data/config:/config'
      - '/srv/jellyfin/cache:/cache'
      - '/mnt/media/:/media:ro'
      - container-network
    image: 'jellyfin/jellyfin:latest'

    external: true

No further config needed here, other than adjusting the path to your media.


    image: tomsquest/docker-radicale:latest
    user: 0:0
    init: true
    read_only: true
      - "./data:/data"
      - "./config:/config:ro"
      - container-network

    external: true

You need to configure it by placing a config file "config" in the folder "config" (yes, a bit confusing) with these contents:

hosts =,[::]:5232

type = htpasswd
htpasswd_filename = /data/htpasswd
htpasswd_encryption = bcrypt

type = owner_only

filesystem_folder = /data/collections

Then install apache2-utils with apt, and run htpasswd -B data/htpasswd $username inside the container directory to create login information for Radicale. Replace $username with the username you want, and enter the password when prompted.

AdGuard Home

    image: adguard/adguardhome
      - ./data:/opt/adguardhome/work
      - ./conf:/opt/adguardhome/conf
      - adguard_default
      - 53:53/tcp # Plain DNS
      - "[::]:53:53/tcp" # Plain DNS
      - 53:53/udp # Plain DNS
      - "[::]:53:53/udp" # Plain DNS

    driver: bridge
    enable_ipv6: true

You can leave out the network stuff from this config, but then it will only work with IPv4, at least with the version of podman and podman-compose I used. You could also add certificates to enable encryption, but that's not really needed when running it in a local network. You can still configure encrypted upstream servers either way.

I hope this guide was helpful to you. Leave a comment if you have any constructive criticism!